* please click the photo above if you wish to be redirected to my new blog. ;)
YES YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT! This is specifically the reason why I haven't been updating my blog lately. Aside from attending to important matters, I have been tweaking this niche of mine. This would not have been possible without the advice and BIG HELP of my best friend, Chokie. She was the one who injected the idea of hosting my own domain and what else could I say? THANKS A BUNCH! :) You might want to visit her blog too by clicking this. :)
It took me about 3 days to get used to the new interface and I'd like to think I pulled it off! whew! Yet, I have to get my hands on its new features to get the most out of the plug-ins.
This serves as my humble way of saying, "THANK YOU" to all who dropped by this space I call my home. Whether you stumbled upon my blog once, twice or for how many times, IT MATTERS to me. :) For just a span of exactly 1 month and 18 days, I've reached 2,231 hits as of 1:00 pm today. This may not be much for others, but I just want you to know that every hit is WHOLEHEARTEDLY APPRECIATED! :)
This is just the starting stitch of my intricately woven fabric of tailored tales about fashion, food and everything else in between.
Until my next post ;)
* For the record, I think this is my post with the most smileys ;) haha
I couldn't be happier! :)