Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stylista Inc.

Hi there folks! Have a break from my travel posts and allow me to share one of the things I am excited about! I and my sister just launched our online shop, STYLISTA Inc. yaaay! This is a Davao-based online store created by sisters Carissa Atabug and yours truly for all the stylistas out there. It offers clothes, bags, accessories and all that you need to look utterly stylish without sacrificing the cost. Call it insanely possible! So what are you waiting for? Pick out what best suits your personality and lifestyle! Plus, we have a suggested look for every item that we sell which sets us apart from other online stores. In STYLISTA Inc., we                                                                                                 "Bring Out The Stylista In You!"

Check out our first collection! (Photo-heavy entry ahead hehe)

For info regarding the items please visit http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stylista-Inc/330786916955022
and oh, don't forget to like us on facebook!

Always chic but never plain
Always trendy but never sloppy
Always stylish but never overdone

Shop away ladies!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Postcards from Bangkok

Finally I got a chance to post some of the pics of our BKK trip. If you ask me how it was, All I can say is, "I JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THAILAND!!". Well, that says it all! Wish I could narrate everything I've experienced which I know is close to impossible. hehe So let me entice you with pictures instead! I know what you're thinking! F/O/O/D/!

         Ever wondered how all of these taste like? Definitely HEAVENLY! But of course, with a kick of HELL or should I say, SPICE! For those who have no clue, I am a lover of anything spicy. Want to challenge me on a food face-off? you better think twice! haha
         So this is what we ate for dinner on our 2nd night in Bangkok. At first, I couldn't decide on what to eat. Without thinking, I handed myself Deep-Friend Prawns which by the way, tasted sooooo good and just had the right crunch! My mouth's watering as I relive the moment I took a bite! YUM!
         For all my folks who lurve spicy food, you'd better try the Green Curry! Even I was stunned on how S.P.I.C.Y. it was! Mind you, it left me asking for more water! haha To balance the overpowering spice of the Green Curry, I treated myself to a spoonful of Pad Thai, one of Thailand's national dishes. This has been a part of Siam's (former name of Thailand) rich culture and history which traces its roots back in the time of Luang Phibunsongkhram who became their prime minister way back in 1930's and 1940's. He popularized this food mainly to promote Thai centralization and partly to reduce the consumption of rice among Thai locals. Up until now, Pad Thai is considered as their staple food. See how rich Thailand's culture is? Their history has been deeply intertwined in their everyday food----not only that, include their lifestyle, thai silk industry, transportation, clothing, architectural structures and the long list goes on! 

The picture above summarizes how we spent our afternoon in the streets of BKK. 
 If you're looking for a one-of-a-kind experience like this, you know where to go!

 What would be your Bangkok street experience without gobbling up these delightful street food? 
Oh yes, it's your turn to dig in!

I am definitely looking forward to go back there! *keeping my fingers crossed* 
I bet you feel the same way now and say, "I JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THAILAND too!!" and because of that I will be sending more postcards in my upcoming posts! This is just one of the thread of posts I will be sharing with you! 

I'd like to hear from you this time. :) Why don't you share how your recent vacay was?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Japanese Style Omelette

     Well, when it comes to food, I must say JAPANESE cuisine is my fave! Way back when, I didn't like it because the humongous prawns really looked scary (don't worry I was just a kid then haha). So glad my father didn't give up on me. He kept on persuading me to eat such food and later on, I developed my distinctive taste and love for Japanese food. But mind you, I am such a picky eater when it comes to the raw ones. ;) 
      I woke up late AGAIN today and thought of what to eat for brunch. Since I was VERY hungry to cook anything complicated which would practically take much of my time, I decided to make an omelette with a twist! you bet! Japanese style!

    I started off by adding the following ingredients together. Yep, you heard me right. Just toss in everything!
Nori Strips
a pinch of salt
chopped onions
 and of course, an omelette wouldn't be an omelette if it wasn't for this main ingredient, don't you think? hehe
 Tadaaaaaaaaaaaah......(this good old fellow deserves a special mention)
"Ze Egg"

                       And oh, don't forget the Olive oil which will be used in cooking the egg as well as the
Cucumber and Grapes (for garnishing).

Here are the steps:
       1. Heat the pan.
       2. When it's already hot, pour a little olive oil just enough to cook the egg. Not too much as it may        
          make the omelette soggy.
       3. Add the egg mixture in the pan. Wait until the sides turn into golden brown before you toss it well.
       4. Once it's done, transfer the omelette to a platter of rice. This will serve as the topping.
       5. Garnish it with cucumber slices, tomato and grapes. *You may also add other fruits or veggies as 
           a side dish if you like.

Voilà! You have your Japanese style omelette! So now you know what to make when you're too hungry to
                                                                  think of what to cook! ;)

Friday, January 13, 2012


Since this is my first post for this year, I don't want to greet 2012 with sadness. But how can I? My friend chokie just left for New York. *sob (deafening silence)

I can't say much now. I guess I'll just have to relive the moments we had by looking at these pictures. Allow me to share some of them.

By the way, you may be wondering why the title's "untitled". Let's just put it this way, I could not think of any other title for a post like this. My friend's away so.......see I couldn't even finish what I have to say. I guess that's because I miss her badly. Guys, be thankful you have good old friends whom you can trust and lean on all the time. I'm grateful I have. Cheers to that!

                   Would you mind sharing how important your friends are? I'd like to hear from you. :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

off to BKK

I, my sister and our family friends will be flying to Bangkok, Thailand! Yaaaay! I'm really excited! Can't wait for tomorrow! Gotta pack my things in a rush!:)

Btw, the picture above was taken by Joana Inumberables, the younger sister of chokie.
I will write a post about our trip soon. I really have to go now. bye! :)