Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Cheer

Today is like no other day because it's CHRISTmas! As they say, "it's the most wonderful time of the year!" Ever wondered how I celebrate Christmas? Well, I spend it with my family and friends just like most people do. It has been a tradition for our kin to have a family dinner together and play parlor games after. You may have read that line twice right? You're not mistaken. Even though I and my cousins are young adults already, we still enjoy playing silly games! As we grow old, the more fun it gets! Here are snapshots of what happened during the family get-together.

with my lovely sister, Carissa and pretty cousins, Abby and ate Lian

What's CHRISTmas without spreading love and gift-giving?
I was really happy my mom, dad, sister and grandmother loved the gifts I gave them! :) Making others happy makes me happier!

We bought these cute cuppycakes for nanay (what we fondly call my grandmother). It's like so-adorable-that-we-don't-want-to-eat-it! haha thanks cuppycakes!

on a serious note...
Let us remember that beyond the sparkle and joy that CHRISTmas brings,it is the birth of JESUS CHRIST that we are celebrating. So spread the CHRISTmas cheer and make others happy as well! In line with this, my heart goes out to the victims of typhoon Sendong. The nation cries with you.

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